Recreational Volleyball / Tuesday

  ES -Recreational Volleyball / Tuesday F24
  9/17/2024 - 12/17/2024
  7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  West Broad Street Elementary Gym

Registration is now closed

Event Actions

Fall 2024:  11 Sessions - No Class:  10/8, 11/5, 11/26

Winter 2025: 13 Sessions

If you have played volleyball before and are a player with intermediate skills... This night features competitive play in a relaxed, informal setting. Teams are formed and everyone plays. Enroll early - class fills quickly! Gold Card $130

A $25 non-refundable registration fee is included in each course. (Do not add $25 on to cost) Two-week cancellation notice (before start of class) required for you to receive a refund (less $25 fee). Trip cancellations must be received one month before departure of trip. If SACE cancels a class a total refund is issued.